Monday, October 31, 2016

📰 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter - October 2016

October 2016 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter
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Board Nominations

Lincoln Atheists is in the nomination phase of Board election process.
Each year half of the Board of Directors is up for election. This year nominations are open for President, Director of Marketing, Director of Activities, and Director of Information Technology.
Members can nominate themselves or another member. For the remainder of the year membership dues are 75% off.
If you would like to know more about the Board and their responsibilities visit the bylaws page on Lincoln Atheists website.

New Members

This month we had a more members join Lincoln Atheists. Please welcome Nathan Davidson, Briton Gorley, Jaycie Vanderbeek, David Ernesti, Adam Leuenberger, Monica Fowler, Kevin Johnson, Carrie, Alek, David, Janel, and Adam to Lincoln Atheists.
Thank all of you for your contribution to Lincoln Atheists. We hope you find a community with us and make some new friends.

Oct Members Anniversaries

1 year

Rachele Walter
Doug Bergman

Lincoln Atheists Billboard

Lincoln Atheists created some controversy this last month.  How did we do that?  We put up a billboard.  Wanting to get some advertising out in the city we contracted with Lamar Advertising to put up a billboard just off the corner of 17th and South Street.  Taking off from the Nebraska state slogan we had a simple message, "The Good Life without God? It's possible."  The billboard went up the weekend of October 8th, on October 18th we were informed that due to complaints made to, and from, the owner of the land on which the billboard was situated Lamar Advertising would be taking our billboard down.  

Of course, not all was bad news.  Lamar Advertising returned the money we had paid in full.  The controversy surrounding the removal of our billboard actually has been fairly positive for Lincoln Atheists.  We received quite a bit of media coverage following the removal.  Locally, both the Lincoln Journal Star and 10/11 News covered the news story, and Brian Aden did an interview on the Friendly Fire KLIN radio show.  Nationally, the Friendly Atheist did a blog post that was shared on a number of atheist websites and social media accounts, including American Atheists.  We even got coverage on sites like The Christian Post and Fox News!  

Since the billboard went up and its subsequent early take down Lincoln Atheists has seen its membership grow fairly significantly from 29 members to 43, an almost 33% increase!  It is wonderful to have so many new members.  A huge THANK YOU to all our members, new and old, for helping us do what we do.  Without you, there wouldn't be a Lincoln Atheists organization.


  • Tabletop Gaming Nov 5th and 18th at Gauntlet Games
  • Weekly Coffee and Conversation on Sunday at Meadowlark Coffee & Espresso
  • Monthly Meetup Nov 9th at The Eatery
  • Discussion Group: Sexuality Nov 12th at Rock Island Social Club
  • Nominations Close Nov 15
  • Bar Trivia Nov 17th at Brewsky's South
  • Unapologetic Atheists: Theists Debating Nov 27th Anderson Branch Library
For more details visit


If you are pleased with the way Lincoln Atheists is developing, help support us by donating.

Get Involved

We are always looking for members to help with individual events or brainstorm with one of our committees. If you're interested in getting more involved, send us an email.
Copyright © 2016 Lincoln Atheists, All rights reserved.
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Lincoln Atheists
2022 N. Cotner Blvd.
Lincoln, NE 68505

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