Friday, August 19, 2016

Lincoln Atheists Billboard

Lincoln Atheists has decided to reach out to the community by putting up a billboard advertising our presence in the Star City. The Board of Directors has solicited ideas from our members and pared them down to the following three choices. What we need now is for our members to vote on the design that they would like to see put up.
If you are a paid member of Lincoln Atheists you will be receiving an email with a link and instructions on how to vote. If you are not a paid member of Lincoln Atheists now is the perfect time to officially join as a dues paying member. Membership dues are prorated for the calendar year so an individual membership for the rest of 2016 is only $12.50 (New memberships only).
Membership forms can be downloaded from our website:
Membership forms and dues can be turned in to any Board Member at Lincoln Atheists events or mailed in.
We hope you will help support Lincoln Atheists in this exciting venture.