Lincoln Atheists' Community Service Committee is again collecting backpacks, food and personal care items for the Lincoln Food Bank for use in the LPS Backpack Program and LPS Emergency Pantry. Our goal this year is 30 backpacks. Can we collect 500 pounds of food?
Last year with your help, we donated 20 backpacks totaling nearly 300 pounds. The Backpack Program provides backpacks to students in need of food over the weekend. Currently 2,582 LPS students at 38 LPS schools receive weekly food-filled backpacks.
The LPS Emergency Pantry is open to any LPS (or Catholic School) family in need of food assistance 3 afternoons per week when elementary schools are in session. Donated food and personal care items from the community stock these shelves.
Lincoln Atheists Drive Dates: Wednesday, August 10th – Wednesday August 31st
Adopt a Pack
Over the last few months, due to generous and early donations by a supporters of Lincoln Atheists community, we have a handful of backpacks to adopt and fill. This is great if you are having issues finding reasonably priced backpacks. Carra McClelland has a finite supply at her home and will be bringing a tote of packs with her to meetups (Coffee and Conversation and Gaming) for people to collect. A few will stay with Carra to fill from Amazon orders. You are also welcome to purchase your own backpack to fill and donate. Backpacks must have two shoulder straps, be gender neutral in color/design and be large enough to hold a full size box of cereal.
Backpacks will be Available at our August Monthly Meetup:
Wednesday, August 10th, 6:00 pm @ the Eatery
Filling a backpack
Suggested Items to Fill A backpack:

- General:
- 1 box of cereal
- 4 cans of vegetables
- 4 cans of fruit
- 4 cans/packets of soup
- 2 jars of peanut butter
- 2 bags of beans or lentils
- 2 bags of rice
- 1 bottle of juice (100% fruit juice)
- 4 cans of tuna or other canned meat
- 4 boxes of Mac and Cheese (or other boxed dinners)
- 1 package of coffee or tea
- Personal Care:
- 1 package of toilet paper (4 roll)
- 4 bottles of shampoo or body wash
- 2 full size tubes of toothpaste
- 4 toothbrushes
- 4 dental floss
- 2 packages of wet wipes
- 4 bars of soap
- 4 bars of deodorant
- 2 hairbrushes
- 4 combs
- 2 boxes tampons
- 1 package pads
- Infant
- 1 flat of baby food (shrink wrapped flats)
- 4 packages of baby cereal
- 2 packages of wet wipes
- 2 packages of diapers (depending on the size of diaper, these can vary in size)
- 2 packages of juice packaged for babies
- 4 packages of “finger food” for babies
- 2 cans of formula

Drop off
Like last year, Carra will be collecting packs and taking them to the Food Bank. Filled Packs can also be given to any board member to get to Carra. We all hope that we end up with too many backpacks for Carra to fit in her car, but she is skilled at packing it, so let’s stretch her abilities here. Backpacks can be dropped off with Carra at the following Meetups:- Saturday August 13th Tabletop Gaming
- Sunday August 14th Coffee and Conversation
- Tuesday August 16th Welcome to Lincoln Atheists Meetup
- Sunday August 21st Coffee and Conversation
- Friday August 26th Tabletop Gaming
- Sunday August 28th Coffee and Conversation
- Wednesday August 31st: Final Drop Off 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Meadowlark
Did someone say Prizes?This year, if we fill 15 backpacks, people contributing them will be put in a drawing for a $20 Amazon gift card. If we reach 30, an additional gift card will be drawn for (two separate winners). Carra will add another gift card for every 15 filled packs after that. So kids get to eat, and YOU have a chance at being able to get some fun stuff from Amazon!
Speaking of Amazon, if you want to contribute to the drive remotely, use our Amazon Wish List!
Thank you, let’s send hunger packing!