"Sock It to Winter!" Running from December 17th (Member Meeting) through January 11th (Monthly Meetup) Lincoln Atheists is organizing a Sock and Underwear Drive for the Homeless Prevention Center run by People's City Mission (PCM). PCM is currently the best place in Lincoln for the homeless or near homeless to get resources they need with the least amount of hassle. They are, however, always short of socks and underwear. To be donated, these items need to be new, so not many pairs get donated. With holiday sales coming up, we should be able to find some good deals on some socks and underwear for all ages and genders. We had great success last year, donating 27 packs of underwear and 60 packs of socks. Let's do it again! For those of you that prefer to shop online, we have updated the Amazon Wishlist for the LA Community Service Committee to include socks and underwear. Amazon wish list http://a.co/fLlJKRY All donations can be given to Carra McClelland at Coffee and Conversation, Tabletop Gaming, or the Monthly Meetup. They can also be dropped off on Carra's porch or given to any board member. |