Thursday, December 1, 2016

📰 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter - November 2016

November 2016 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter
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Lincoln Atheists Board Candidates

The candidates have prepared campaign platform summaries which can be read on Lincoln Atheists News feed.


  • Brian Aden
  • Chris Clements

Marketing Director

  • Erin Hoffmeyer

Activities Director

  • Cara McClelland
  • Julianna Felkner
  • Debbie Aden

Information Technology Director

  • Ryan McMaster
Voting starts December 3rd!

New Members

Please welcome Joseph Couch to Lincoln Atheists.
Thank you for your contribution to Lincoln Atheists. We hope you find a community with us and make some new friends..

December Birthday

New addition to the newsletter is the birthday announcement.

Adam Leuenberger
Jaycie Vanderbeek

November Member Anniversaries

1 year

Matt Ahischwede

"Sock It to Winter!"

Running from December 17th (Member Meeting) through January 11th (Monthly Meetup) Lincoln Atheists is organizing a Sock and Underwear Drive for the Homeless Prevention Center run by People's City Mission (PCM).  PCM is currently the best place in Lincoln for the homeless or near homeless to get resources they need with the least amount of hassle.

They are, however, always short of socks and underwear.  To be donated, these items need to be new, so not many pairs get donated.  With holiday sales coming up, we should be able to find some good deals on some socks and underwear for all ages and genders.  We had great success last year, donating 27 packs of underwear and 60 packs of socks. Let's do it again!

For those of you that prefer to shop online, we have updated the Amazon Wishlist for the LA Community Service Committee to include socks and underwear.

Amazon wish list

All donations can be given to Carra McClelland at Coffee and Conversation, Tabletop Gaming, or the Monthly Meetup. They can also be dropped off on Carra's porch or given to any board member.

  • Tabletop Gaming Dec 3rd and 16th at Gauntlet Games
  • Weekly Coffee and Conversation on Sunday at Meadowlark Coffee & Espresso
  • Unapologetic Atheists: 3 Arguments for God  Dec 11th at Gere Branch Library
  • Monthly Meetup Dec 14th at The Eatery
  • Bar Trivia Dec 15th at Brewsky's South
  • Sock and underwear Drive Dec 17th - Jan 11th
  • Member Meeting/Final Day for Board Election Dec 17th at Gere Branch Library
  • Reason this Season Dec 18th - 24th at Nebraska State Capitol Building
For more details visit

Reason this Season

Lincoln Atheists, along with Omaha Atheists, will again have a Reason this Season display in the Nebraska State Capitol Building during the upcoming holiday season. Our display advocates for the separation of church and state, so important in maintaining a free society where everyone is free to believe and worship, or not, as they see fit. Included with our static display will be an Ask an Atheist table where individuals are free to ask questions and talk with non-believers, something many people have never had the chance to do. It is a great opportunity for us to interact with the public in a very positive way.

Our display will be in the Capitol building the week before Christmas, running from Monday, December 19th through Saturday, December 24th. The Ask an Atheist table will be open from 8 am to 5 pm each day. We are in need of volunteers to cover that time. Shifts are just 1 or 2 hours each. We want to have 2 people (at least) at the table at all times so no one has to be there alone.

I know that this time of year can be quite hectic and weekday times can often be difficult to get away. Any time that you can assist would be greatly appreciated.

To volunteer click here and add your contact information to the dates and times you are available.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Brian at


If you are pleased with the way Lincoln Atheists is developing, help support us by donating.

Get Involved

We are always looking for members to help with individual events or brainstorm with one of our committees. If you're interested in getting more involved, send us an email.
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Lincoln Atheists
2022 N. Cotner Blvd.
Lincoln, NE 68505

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