Carra McClelland created a worthy wish list on Amazon of affordable backpacks and non-perishable food items that could be purchased and delivered straight to her. Thank you to those who contributed that way, and we thank Carra for all her work and care to make contributing easy. Don't forget to use Amazon Smile and designate LA as your favorite non-profit org, every purchase helps.
54 Backpacks, 600 lbs
Carra was available at several meetups during the 3-week drive, and also accepted drop-offs at home. We thank Service Master Clean, and Goldenrod Printing for their generous contributions, as well as our community of Atheists. This year Lincoln Atheist's Send Hunger Packing Backpack Drive resulted in 54 backpacks (600lbs) and 2 boxes of diapers, more than double the amount we donated last year. The BackPacks will be filled each Friday for students in need of food over the weekend, and the food and supplies donated will stock the LPS Emergency Pantry.
As a bonus to help us reach our goal, Carra donated a $20 Amazon gift card for every 15 full backpacks she collected. All who contributed to the drive were eligible. Our 3 winners are: Ryan and Lori, Matt Alschwede, and Dennis Young.