Friday, September 30, 2016

📰 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter - September 2016

September 2016 Lincoln Atheists Newsletter
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Member Meeting

Calling all Members. October 10th we will be holding a Member Meeting at Itty Bitty Musik - 3120 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510. Parking is in the rear and can be accessed from the alley.
On the agenda:
  • Amendment Voting
  • Board nominations
This is a great time to discuss how you want Lincoln Atheists to move forward.
To entice you the board will provide food for those attending.

Disqus Added to News

If you are a person that likes to comment on articles you find online. Perhaps you have came across Disqus. It is a commenting service that is widely used across the internet.
  • Real-time discussions
  • Photos and videos support
  • Notifications
  • One profile for all sites
  • Sign-in with Facebook, Twitter, or Google
So if you visit Lincoln Atheists news articles you can engage with other commenters.

Fall Roadside Cleanup

Lincoln Atheists are the proud "parents" of Highway 79, Mile Marker 2 to 4!
We will meet at Raymono's Pizza parking lot to begin our roadside cleanup. Carpooling is highly encouraged to reduce number of vehicles at the site.
Children under 15 must be supervised.
Safety vests and trash bags will be provided. Jeans, work gloves and good footwear are highly recommended as there are often some sharp items to be picked up.
After we have finished the cleanup, we'll have lunch at Raymono's Pizza Plus. They have a great lunch buffet – all you can eat for around $7.00, including drink.
Rain Date will be October 30th if necessary.


  • Weekly Coffee and Conversation on Sunday at Meadowlark Coffee & Espresso
  • Tabletop Gaming Oct 8th and 21st at Gauntlet Games
  • Fall For Pride Oct 9th at Antelope Park
  • Member Meeting Oct 10th at Itty Bitty Musik
  • Monthly Meetup Oct 12th at The Eatery
  • Discussion Group Oct 15th at Rock Island Social Club
  • Bar Trivia Oct 20th at Brewsky's South
  • Lost In Fun Oct 22nd at Lost in Fun
  • Roadside Cleanup Oct 23rd at Raymano's
  • Campfire Gathering Oct 29th Clements' House
  • Unapologetic Atheists Oct 30th at Gere Library
For more details visit
We are planning a campfire gathering. So, bring your favorite campfire cooking items, chair, blanket and a good topic for conversation. Check the events for Details.


If you are pleased with the way Lincoln Atheists is developing, help support us by donating.

Get Involved

We are always looking for members to help with individual events or brainstorm with one of our committees. If you're interested in getting more involved, send us an email.
Copyright © 2016 Lincoln Atheists, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because all new members are opted in or requested to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Our mailing address is:
Lincoln Atheists
2022 N. Cotner Blvd.
Lincoln, NE 68505

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Subscribe to Lincoln Atheists Calendar

If you are a person that uses their calendar regularly. You may be interested to learn Lincoln Atheists calendars you can subscribe to have them with your calendar application.

It only takes a few moments and you will never miss-out on another Lincoln Atheists event again.

1.  Navigate to Lincoln Atheists events page. 

2.  Scroll to the bottom of the calendar you want.

3.  Add the calendar

   a.  If you want all events click the 'Subscribe' button.

   b.  If you want an individual committee calendar, click the 'Add' button for those specific committee's calendar.

4.  Click which calendar service you use.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

2016 Send Hunger Packing Results

Lincoln Atheists' Community Service Committee held its "Send Hunger Packing" backpack drive again this year as school has pledged in a new generation of learners. We set our goal higher than last year's total, hoping to deliver at least 30 backpacks or 500 lbs to the Food Bank of Lincoln's BackPack program.

Carra McClelland created a worthy wish list on Amazon of affordable backpacks and non-perishable food items that could be purchased and delivered straight to her. Thank you to those who contributed that way, and we thank Carra for all her work and care to make contributing easy. Don't forget to use Amazon Smile and designate LA as your favorite non-profit org, every purchase helps.

54 Backpacks, 600 lbs

Carra was available at several meetups during the 3-week drive, and also accepted drop-offs at home. We thank Service Master Clean, and Goldenrod Printing for their generous contributions, as well as our community of Atheists. This year Lincoln Atheist's Send Hunger Packing Backpack Drive resulted in 54 backpacks (600lbs) and 2 boxes of diapers, more than double the amount we donated last year. The BackPacks will be filled each Friday for students in need of food over the weekend, and the food and supplies donated will stock the LPS Emergency Pantry.

As a bonus to help us reach our goal, Carra donated a $20 Amazon gift card for every 15 full backpacks she collected. All who contributed to the drive were eligible. Our 3 winners are: Ryan and Lori, Matt Alschwede, and Dennis Young. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Billboard Voting Results Report

May of 2016 the Marketing Director requested design ideas for Lincoln Atheists billboard campaign. Multiple submissions were entered. The board narrowed down the submissions to 3 entries. Design tweaks were made by board members resulting in the 3 ideas good-standing members would vote for Lincoln Atheists will be displaying on the billboard rental.

Voting Process

A form created in Google Forms would request the members for 4 information:
  • Member ID number. This was used to keep track of who voted and if they voted more than once. 
  • First choice. Their favorite choice for the billboard. 
  • Second choice. Their second choice if their first choice results didn’t reach enough votes to place it in second. In other words, if my first choice doesn’t win I want this one. 
  • Comment. Any sort of input they want to give. 
Members in good-standing were sent emails which provided a personalized link to the voting form with their member ID number pre-populated in the form, and instructions.

Voting Results

(Adding last place
votes to their
second choice.)
Let Go19
It's Possible5
Great w/o God
Intial Voting Results
Let Go19
It's Possible3
Great w/o God2


First choiceSecond coice
It's PossibleLet Go
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
It's PossibleGreat Without God
Let GoIt's Possible
It's Possible
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoIt's Possible
Let GoGreat Without God
Great without GodIt's Possible
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoGreat Without God
Let GoIt's Possible
Great without GodIt's Possible
Let GoGreat Without God